And he saw that they were making headway painfully, forthe wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of thenight he came to them, walking on the sea. ~ Mark 6:48
READING: Mark 6:30-52
It had been an exhausting but fulfilling day of ministry. Jesus multiplied loaves and fishes, fed five thousand, and stretched the faith of the Twelve. But then He dismissed the crowd, sent His disciples off across the sea and went up on the mountain to be with His Father.
Did His disciples wonder why He left them? Were they experiencing confusion? Disappointment? Whatever they felt, their voyage certainly didn’t feel like a victory cruise. The wind was against them and it was tough going.
But even while He was praying, even in the darkness before dawn, and even at a distance to make human sight impossible, Jesus was watching and saw their trouble. “He saw that they were making headway painfully.” And He came to them, walking on the sea.
Church planters often experience a let-down after the exhilaration of ministry. Multiplied miracles on Sundays often lead to storm-tossed Mondays. After victory and blessing, things get harder. Sometimes it feels as if the Lord has left us. But He hasn’t.
He is praying, but He is also watching. He sees all our difficulties when the wind buffets and the waves roil. He sees all these things because He is El Roi, the God who sees (cf. Genesis 16:13).
And He will come to us, Master of it all, walking on the sea. Nothing can stand in His way.
Lord Jesus, There are days when I feel like I’m all alone, in the middle of a storm. Thank You that You see where I am and what I’m going through. I trust You as I wait for You. Amen.
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