But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out. ~ Numbers 32:23
READING: Joshua 7:1-10; Acts 5:1-11; I Timothy 3:2
If the first New Testament church had sin in the camp, with a married couple like Ananias and Sapphira, surely the 21st century church plant is not exempt. The church planter must be ready for the unexpected and at the same time be “above reproach” personally. Statistics prove that if a lead pastor has a supportive spouse, is assessed properly and has a coach, 90% of the time they will have a successful church plant.
But you say, “What about the other 10% that don’t make it?” All too many of the other 10% have sin somewhere in the camp like Achan in the days of Joshua. Let’s focus here on the seriousness of sin in the lives of the leadership team. As a coach of church planters, I tell them: “Keep your hand out of the money pot and your britches on” and you will have a healthy church plant if you have a spouse on board and a good coach.
Many are the horror stories of church leaders who have secret sins that are exposed to the ruination of the church plant. Whether it is a staff member coming out of the closet as a practicing homosexual or a lead pastor addicted to internet pornography, in either case, sooner or later the secret sin will surface. A church planter must live a life above reproach and he must strive hard to put in place accountability measures and accountability partners to protect against the lust of the flesh.
Lord Jesus, Please help me live a life above reproach, in the name of One who gives victory over the flesh, Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more