I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” ~ Ezekiel 37:2b, 3
READING: Ezekiel 37:1-14
The old Bethel Church was over 100 years old with only 26 remaining members. The youngest member was 76 years old, and the offerings could barely pay the utilities. The old church was in crisis mode. With seven acres of land, buildings and a prime location (the state had just mandated that the little county road be widened into a four-lane feeder artery to the largest corporation headquarters in the county), what were they to do? The church leaders explored several options, such as whether to sell the property or put it on the auction block.
Finally, after much discussion, they decided to turn over the property and all their assets to a new church, IF someone would help them make the transition. While serving as pastor of a local traditional church, it became my privilege to organize a small launch team of five families to work with this dying church to give birth to a daughter church. Yep, an old Mamma church gave birth to a young thriving baby while on her death bed.
It was a difficult delivery, and the baby looked much different than the Mamma. Some might even say that the baby was born by caesarean birth, to save the life of the baby before the Mamma gave up the ghost.
Whatever the case, by God’s grace, a beautiful daughter church was birthed, and now, several years later, the daughter church has now birthed a granddaughter church.
Heavenly Father, Even as I grow older and get more set in my ways, please keep me pliable and teachable so your Kingdom’s work can be accomplished. Grant that I may be fruitful even in old age. Amen.
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