My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God . . . Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. ~ Psalm 84:2, 5
READING: Philippians 2:12-21
Although human beings are made by God and for God, on this side of heaven, we will find ourselves in want for more. We are plagued with perpetual “if only” thoughts, caught in an endless cycle of hope to disappointment, trapped in “arrival thinking.” But scripture testifies that nothing and no one will ever take us there, save Jesus.
Many good churches and preachers have slipped into arrival thinking, making false promises of health, wealth, moral righteousness, relational harmony and perfect peace. But on this side of heaven God calls us to pilgrimage. Whatever joy and satisfaction we find will be found in the journey; all of the life and joy is in the process, for now. And I imagine that even in heaven, there will always be tension as we grow in the knowledge of our infinite God. I believe our “Holy, Holy, Holy” will be based not just on what we have come to know, but on what we will discover for all of eternity.
So find your strength in God, and put your trust in him. Nothing we obtain will ever suffice. This puts things in their proper place and we no longer need to extract completion from them. Peace and joy can be had even now.
Pastor, find your joy in the journey and your people will learn to embrace this world loosely as they build home and church with you.
Jesus, My knuckles are white from gripping so tightly to this world. Are you really enough? Are you really what I have always longed for? Create in me a clean heart and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more