3. Model, gather, teach.
There is no quick way to bring your congregation to a place of greater engagement, but all can grow. When we model, we embody the approach to worship we want to see replicated. When we gather, we create environments for fresh ideas. When we teach, we give a context for change.
Here is my three-step process that may help you inspire your congregation to greater engagement along your shared worship journey.
Model the approach, attitude and engagement level you want to see replicated in your worshiping community. Choose people, even coach people, who will likewise represent that level of engagement in front of your church during worship.
Gather people to unique worship settings where you can experiment with fresh ideas and approaches to their worship experience. Manage their expectations and physically say “We’re going to try something new. Here is what we’ll do.” (Worship Circles can help.)
Teach about engagement with God through songs. Instruct people how to approach the worship time, the songs that have been chosen and the heart behind why we worship together.
4. Listen to their journey.
Knowing what to do next, and the speed at which to do it, is more about listening than doing. Put your ear to the ground in the community. How are they handling the shifts emotionally? Is engagement higher? Have you looked at the practical hindrances to engagement? Listen.
Put your ear to the ground, and listen to the emotional noise that goes on before, during and after each incremental change. Ask people how they responded to that “new moment” that was unfamiliar to them in that worship set. When people come to you with complaints, listen closely to what they are saying. You will often hear, behind their pain, a love for the familiar, and a longing for their sweet spot to get some air time.
Serve Your Church With a Pastor’s Heart
You are there to pastorally serve your church in worship. Serve their discipleship rather than pushing them toward the style of another church. As you listen and make incremental changes, your congregation will move forward in their engagement during worship.