Every day, up to eight times a day, I silently perform a 1-3 minute spiritual ritual that is – quite literally – changing me. It’s called the Daily Examen.
Build a Worship Ministry From Scratch
Smile: You are Delightful to God!
You are delightful to God! When you woke up this morning, what was the first thought about yourself that you had? First thoughts to come to us when we wake are usually some evaluation of how we feel, or something we need to do. “I feel tired; I shouldn’t have stayed up so late,” “I…
Why You Need to Start Thinking of You 10 Years From Now
Multiply your current habits in that area times 10 years. Do you like what you see?
Why Roadblocks May Be a Blessing to Church Planters
Are you experiencing roadblocks as a church planter? Have you been slowed down lately?
What Your Church Gets Wrong About Worship (and How to Get It Right)
The top 5 most important things I believe every congregation needs to understand about worship.