Not every one of these situations turns out the same way. When the situation is addressed head-on as early as possible and clear expectations can be established, sometimes the situation can be saved. But you cannot be afraid to move people out of a role when all the signs in the universe point to this not being where God wants them. As I’m working on this article, just this last Sunday I was called in at the last minute to cover for a large church that had lost their one and only sound guy after years of bad behavior—and now no one knows how to work anything because it was this guy’s “territory.” I could literally finish the worship leader’s sentences as he was telling me about this person I’d never met.
It’s not all bad. To end on a bit of hope:
[Do] you know what happened in my situation? Of course, I’m not saying this is the norm—sometimes people get mad and leave your church, and you can’t stop it. But I had a hard conversation with “Jeff” (not his real name) and after deciding that we bring the frustrating situation to an end, I had another suggestion. I said, “Jeff, why don’t you take the next season of your life and spend it on encouragement for the team. Everyone knows that you’re an expert in this area and compliments mean a lot coming from you. I’ve got a lot of younger players that could really use some affirmation.” Not only did he take that suggestion to heart, but also within a few months of him being removed from that role and on a new mission, he became one of the most relationally sought out people in our church. A couple [of] years later when my own life was turned on its head, he was one of the first people I called for advice.
Sometimes people are just on the wrong seat on the bus, and we’re ignoring the signs. When we aren’t afraid to have hard conversations, we can work in step with the Spirit to direct people to a place of fulfillment in their calling.
This article originally appeared here, and is used with permission.