Some things hide in plain sight. Others hide behind fancy names. And still others hide among the over-decorated trappings of tradition dressed up as garish holiday cheer. Sometimes it’s all three. These are the lessons of Christmas.
Quiet Worship? Never! (Well, Maybe)
Deep in the recesses of my iPhone, where no one can see my music collection, I have a playlist of quiet worship.
What I Saw at Church
Last Sunday what I saw at church was nothing short of a miracle. I saw heaven breaking into earth here and now. Every church planter can see it, too, if we have eyes to see.
Does Your Church Plant Really Need a Digital Mixer?
The Behringer X32 digital mixing board is an amazing product: used reliably all over the world, loved by beginners and pros, and is still a great choice in many situations nearly 10 years after its initial release! It’s so good it singlehandedly rescued the reputation of the Behringer brand. But does your church need it,…
Worship Multitracks for Church Plants
Recently my wife and I started off on a new adventure. We are planting a church. This is my 3rd church plant and this was the first time I didn’t have musicians for the new church. Before I could always lead worship myself if I had to. However as I have gotten older, my skills…
4 Ways Your Church Can Simplify Christmas
We experimented with several events to simplify Christmas. Over the years, we’ve landed on a few that work for us.