4. Make the church presentable.
Between now and Easter is a good time to make sure your church building is ready. Clean up the place! Paint if necessary. Make sure the bathrooms and children’s areas are spotless (and secure). Imagine someone is coming to your house for the first time. What impression would you be trying to make? This is the way to think in preparing for Easter services.
5. Share adequate information.
I think it is helpful to give guests additional information about the church. This may be your one chance to share with them some of the things the church does besides Sunday services. You may even print a packet specifically for Easter. Give guests a chance to know a little more about who you are and what happens outside of Easter weekend. This may include missions’ opportunities (especially local ones), unique programming to meet needs (such as divorce care, etc.), and regular Bible study opportunities.
Also, tell your guests what is next in terms of sermon series, upcoming messages or special programs.
6. Follow up thoroughly and appropriately.
This may be the most important step. Depending on the number of visitors you expect, this may require a special team with even more focus than your church’s usual guest follow up. But have a plan to follow up with Easter guests. I have shared recently that, in my new ministry season ahead, I want to help churches with their Impressions Ministry.
After 18 months of visiting lots of different churches, I realize how poorly many churches do in this critical area – at a time when church visitors are harder to come by than ever before. We have visited large churches, filled out cards, and no one contacted us – period. Crazy. If you are blessed with visitors Easter weekend, and they bless you even more with their contact information, appreciate them enough to let them know you recognized their attendance.