Here are the funniest questions I received as a church planter:
“When are you going to build a church?”
I always thought, “Well, that’s what we are doing now meeting in this high school.” (Oh, you mean a building, but, of course, you’d agree the church is not the building, right? )
“Are you going to keep doing this?”
For whatever reason, it seemed that some believed a church plant was temporary. (Until a “real church” comes along I guess.)
“What’s your other job?”
I realize all pastors get this one, but many plants start with bi-vocational pastors. Not all do though and sometimes planting IS our job. Trust me, there’s plenty to do.
“When you get a building will you quit having small groups?”
This usually came from someone who was accustomed to Sunday school, but it was funny that their tradition led them to believe that a lack of space would be our only reason to do church this way. (Meeting in homes during the week – that’s so first century )
“How did this thing get started?”
Many times this was an innocent question. I learned, however, mostly because of follow up questions, that sometimes this was a question looking for some inside scoop, a scandal of sorts, a church split – that kind of thing. There’s almost an expectation that a “story” exists with a church plant. In my experience, a church plant is far more about what God is calling someone to than what someone is running from.
What are some of the funniest questions you have received?
This article originally appeared here, and is used by permission.