We all know a reputation matters, but it really matters during times of crisis. Whatever the accusation or challenge, the public will always give more grace to a respected organization. A RepTrak study in 2020 revealed that 64% of the general public give some benefit of the doubt to companies they say have an ‘excellent’ reputation, versus 7% for those with a ‘poor’ reputation. The good news is you can build your reputation, which is a protection against a day of trouble.
Matt Buchanan, head of PR and influence at Ogilvy UK advises about three behaviors on an ongoing basis that should be at the forefront of every leader’s mind:
Build Your Reputation – 3 Cornerstones
1. Vulnerability:
Acknowledging mistakes, embracing openness and a willingness to be held accountable.
2. Mutuality:
Show you have common beliefs and shared values with your audiences. This is where a brand’s purpose is key.
3. Familiarity:
Seek more personal connections and use trusted voices to help.
Trying to fix or build your reputation during a crisis is too late. Olympic ice skaters don’t wait until winter to start practicing. Perhaps most important – the crisis you have to worry about the most is the one you don’t see coming.
Build your reputation now – at every opportunity. When a real crisis hits, it may be the best roadmap out.
This article on how to build your reputation appeared here and is used by the author’s kind permission.