I’m not sure that’s true. On the contrary, I’m relatively confident it isn’t true. In many areas of life, God’s way is crystal clear. God’s providential will is clear. God’s moral will is pretty straightforward, too. Yet, we still lie. We cheat. We steal. And I don’t mean other people do these things. We do these things even though we have complete clarity from God.
At least in my life, I’ve concluded that following God is much more challenging than discerning where God wants me to follow.
Back to Father Abraham
Abraham starts walking. You can read all about his journey beginning in Genesis 12. God would appear to him along his journey, bringing new and additional promises, but no clear directions. Eventually – and I mean EVENTUALLY – Abraham arrives at a place called the Negev. It’s here where God says, “stop.”
God knew this was the destination the entire time! God could have just as easily told Abraham, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to Negev.” Or at least “toward Negev.” Or “start going west, and I’ll guide you from there.” But no! God doesn’t give Abraham anything other than “land I will show you.”
Here’s why. Or at least why I think God did it this way:
You and God
Like Abraham, I believe God wants to do something through you. As a leader, spouse, parent, friend, coworker, and neighbor.
When you look at the journey Abraham took, it’s clear that before God could do something through Abraham, he needed to do something in Abraham. God needed to foster a deep relationship with Abraham. God wanted to gain Abraham’s trust.
That’s all God wants to have with you, too. God wants a personal connection.
God’s personal direction requires a personal connection.
Not to suggest a deep relationship with God will make all your leadership decisions simple. Not at all. You’ll still have doubts. But what you will also have is confidence in the one leading you. When you get it wrong, God’s grace will make it right. When you head down the wrong path, God’s guiding hand can correct your course. None of that is possible outside of a growing relationship.
That’s why Abraham’s relationship with God began with a long, long walk.
Following God can, at times, be painfully clear. When it’s not, be patient and take a walk with him. Listen quietly. Trust completely. Open yourself fully. If you want to follow God, he’s more than happy to walk with you. But a word of warning: He may focus more on being with you than where you’re going.
This article on God’s way originally appeared here, and is used by permission.