The Religion Resisters are slightly different. They believe in a higher power or spiritual force – they are the “spiritual but not religious” crowd – and they hate organized religion. They are generally liberal and Democratic in their political views. They all live in Washington, D.C. I did not make that up.
So what religious type is in the middle? Seven-in-ten Americans are Relaxed Religious, which means they believe in the God of the Bible and four-in-ten pray daily. But that’s about it. Few attend religious services or read the Bible and, almost to a person, say that it is not necessary to believe in God to be a moral person.
Then there are the Spiritually Awake who hold at least some New Age beliefs and believe in God or some higher power, though many do not believe in the biblical God and relatively few attend religious services on a weekly basis.
Okay, friends, that’s America.
I think this is a very healthy and helpful breakdown.
What it isn’t is a very healthy and helpful state of affairs.
This article on your religious type originally appeared here, and is used by permission.