Lately, I’ve been thinking about the issue of character. True leadership demands character. In ministry, that character has to be courageous character. My experience is that it is not celebrated enough and, to be honest, is sometimes lacking in ministry.
Abraham Lincoln said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Well, it is not a secret that ministry positions can unfortunately become places of power more than servanthood.
Let me also add that Christian ministry often elevates people who can write and speak into positions of leadership and influence before their character is prepared to handle it. In other words, if you can write and speak, you sometimes gain influence without possessing the character to handle it.
But what is character, exactly? It has become a word we sometimes throw around quite flippantly. Almost like the nebulous “it factor,” we can identify those who have it and we can most certainly identify those who don’t. But it is something we all should display, regardless of our position.
When it comes to ministry leaders, I thought of four things that fit the description. Mind you, it is not an exhaustive list. Just one that has been developed through my observations of those who evidence character, and those who do not.
Ministry leaders with courageous character:
1. Always tell the truth.
Most of the time, the temptation to lie, hide or manipulate the facts comes because we want to protect ourselves. A leader of character knows that truth is primary. In particular, leaders in ministry know that self-protection does not fit with what we know to be true about the gospel.
Jesus Christ died on the cross to save sinners and meet our greatest need. There is nothing left to protect because He has already protected everything for us. Forever. We have nothing to lose and nothing to hide, and with that comes great freedom — the freedom to be transparent and honest.
If you shade or distort the truth, or hide facts and plans for your own benefit or advancement, you are not a leader of courageous character.
2. Treat their team with respect.
Leaders not only take responsibility for themselves and the ministry around them, they also have a team of people that look up to them. Yes, those people are ready to follow and are looking for guidance, but they also should be able to trust their leader to be someone who cares about who they are and what they do. A true leader looks out for the team just as much as the team looks out for the leader.
If those around you do not know that they are valued as a part of the team, you are not a leader of courageous character.