Secrets that will prevent unnecessary heartache and help you in your journey of planting and multiplying.
Ed Stetzer: Three Church Planting Trends That Need to Die
I’ve seen lots of great church planting practices, and many not-so-great ones. Too many churches open and then close too often because, instead of looking to God, they were looking to themselves.
Rethinking Church Plant Funding
I am often asked, “How do you see the funding options available to church planters changing in the future?”
If Your Plant Is Under 100, Have You Failed?
Don’t let unrealistic expectations of ministry success derail you.
2 Statistics Every Church Planter Needs to Know
Consider these stats that can provide your plant with a solid foundation for healthy growth.
3 Planting Trends That Must Die
We must aim to plant churches for the glory of God and the good of the community, not to meet our own needs.