Family Day
One of my favorite days of the week is family day. Family day is our rest day. One of the most important things you can do for your family is rest together. Our Father in Heaven thinks rest is so important that he included it in a list of things that also include “don’t murder,” “don’t steal” and “don’t sleep with another’s spouse.” Seriously. In that same list, you will find “don’t skip your day of rest.” Questions and devotions are nice, but life will quickly dry up if we cannot get away to laugh and play together as a family.
Now when I use the word rest, I am implying what refreshes and renews us. What gives us energy and strength. This is different for different people and for different families. For us, this typically means a day at the park, a long walk, rock climbing, a trip to the zoo or some other simple adventure from spring to fall.
It is a bit trickier during the winter, but we find other things to do. Play games, watch movies, paint or go to Chick-fil-a and play on the playground there. The goal of this day is rest and recuperation. I would suggest trying to keep the day the same every week for consistency. Unfortunately for us, we have had to switch it up fairly often because of my wife’s work schedule.
Oh Yeah!
A few weeks ago, we headed to the lake to play at the park. As we walked across the street, our daughter, Safari, shouts, “Oh Yeah! It’s family day!!!” We did not tell her, but she saw the signs. Mom, dad, Sojo, Kanoa and her were all together and we were heading to the park! She then exclaimed, “This is going to be the best day!”
Why is this?
To be quite honest, it is because it is rare that she gets both mom and dad’s full and undivided attention for more than an hour at a time. On family day, she gets us all day. Yes, it would be nice (I think) if we could be together all day everyday, but that is not possible.
It is also not the way that God designed it. We were created to work and produce. Maybe when they get older, we will get the luxury of working and producing with our kids, but this is not the case for now. However, we can AND SHOULD set aside a day for our family to rest together.
At the end of the day, Safari let us know that she loves us “to the moon.”
Your children love you. You are their heroes. There is no one more cool in their life. There is no greater influence. Take advantage of it.