Practical Guidelines
Here are a few other practical things that help make family day a great day for us.
1. We try not to spend money on family day, at least not too much. We do this almost every week. It could get expensive if we spent money every week.
2. We also keep it simple. The goal is to relax, not stress out. Do not plan too much. Plan one thing and see where that leads you.
3. We do not set a timeline. We are not in a hurry and are not worried about when we get back. We are not hurrying from one thing to the next.
4. We let our children set the pace. On walks, if they want to stop and check out the flowers, we stop and check out the flowers. If they want to throw rocks into the lake, we throw rocks into the lake. Robin and I will chat while they do it.
The point of family day is to enjoy one another and celebrate life together.