4. Takeout Menu Keeper
I’m not an “order the same thing” every time I go somewhere kind of guy. I like trying new things at restaurants. When we order takeout, I can always access the picture I took of the to-go menu in Evernote. It’s quick to recall and makes it much easier than trying to remember what the restaurant has or the price of items. I’ve sent takeout menus to a bunch of people from the Evernote app!
5. File for Clipped Articles
I use Pocket to quickly save something to read later. If I liked the article and want to permanently file it, I send it to a Clip, Link, & Keep stack in Evernote. Within this stack, I have notebooks divided by topic. Depending on what the article I want to keep is about, I file it in the appropriate notebook. Later, when I want to find something, I have a notebook to look to for quick access.
6. Sermon File System
As a teaching team, we keep all of our thoughts and sermon series outlines in shared Evernote notebooks. Personally, I have notebooks for funerals, weddings, Sundays and other. Every time I preach or officiate, I put what I did into these notebooks for keeping. I also create sermons in Evernote and preach straight from the Evernote app on my iPad.