The church planter often has to do everything in a new church. But if he doesn’t delegate, he will neutralize his effectiveness as an intercessor and preacher.
The Lord Is in the Details: Help Everyone "Own" the Problem
Though church planters are usually strong leaders, we must also have a humble heart and a gentle spirit.
The Lord Is in the Details: Listen and Take the Problem Seriously
For many church planters, administrative matters are dull and dry, and have little to do with the exciting business of establishing a church.
Getting Out of the Way
Eventually we must wean new believers off their dependence on us and steer them toward an un-mediated relationship with Christ.
About Jesus
What are you planting: a church or a synagogue?
The Vocabulary of Praise
As we search for vocabulary to express what God has done for us, songwriters lend us phrases to articulate our feelings.