When many congregations are closing foreve how could this possibly be the perfect time to plant a church or reimagine our current ministry?
Karl Vaters – Proud to be a Small Church Pastor
I bucked against the idea that I am a small church pastor. I treated it like it was my penalty for not having the skills to be a big church pastor.
“Being the Church” Isn’t Enough: We Need to Go to Church
Being the church is essential, but it isn’t enough. The church is not just what people are. It’s also what we do. We need to go to church.
Kill Your Church Traditions (Before They Kill Your Church)
If changing important, but extra-biblical church traditions bothers you, you may not want to read the rest of this post.
Karl Vaters: Free Tech For Small Churches
We are living more of our lives online than ever before. And our online time will increase for some time before it levels off. While there are certainly a lot of downsides to this, there are also huge upsides that every church can take advantage of. With people spending an average of five hours a…
4 Ways Your Church Can Simplify Christmas
We experimented with several events to simplify Christmas. Over the years, we’ve landed on a few that work for us.