From NBA MVPs to Super Bowl winning quarterbacks to the world’s top golfer, they all have coaches.
5 Essential Steps in Planting a Church or a Ministry Launch
I’ve learned a few things, many of which I write about here. I know are a few common steps in a successful ministry launch.
4 Stellar Free Resources for New Church Planters
Church planters, we know you often have very limited resources. Here are four free ones to get you up and running.
What Does “Walking in the Light” Actually Mean?
Ben Sternke: “Walking in the light has nothing to do with perfect behavior and everything to do with being known.”
Do Your Kids Know the Gospel?
Raising kids who know and love God doesn’t happen by accident. Be intentional.
Free eBook: “Porn-Free Church: Raising up Gospel Communities to Destroy Secret Sins,” from Covenant Eyes
This eBook will teach you practical ways you can “help your congregation find freedom from porn in the Gospel.”