It’s been shown in the past that a person’s status is enhanced when direct eye contact is made. This is a leadership secret: Eye contact matters.
The Tattoo Shop Owner Who Removed My Stereotypes
If I saw this tattoo shop owner on any sidewalk, I’d walk by, assuming he and I were nothing alike. I probably couldn’t imagine having so much as one conversation.
Connecting With People: the Difference Between Clicks & Results
The pandemic has deeply modified how we are connecting with people. The irony is that technology has made a difficult situation easier . . . in some ways.
Loneliness – and Our Deep Need to Connect
Researchers found that increased loneliness in our culture leads to an increased sense of life that is meaningless and devoid of purpose.
How to Connect With People – Use These 5 Questions
Church Planters’ Must-Know: Contacting Vs. Connecting
One of the great myths of relational life is that community is something found. How can church planters build a real community of connecting?