I see this in my own life when it comes to my marriage, family, work or anything I’m in charge of, the more I consider these things in prayer and declare my dependence on God in prayer, the better leader I am for those things. A praying leader builds a prayerful community.
8 Reasons to Persevere Through the Tough Pastoral Times
When the going gets tough, what makes pastors stick it out?
How Do I “Bring People to God” Without “Shoving My Religion Down Their Throat”?
Evangelism isn’t a score-card where we win people by attendance.
How to Craft Vision That STICKS
The four steps I incorporated that created greater involvement, buy in and spiritual success.
How to Build a Team From Scratch This Year
I had to learn quickly and on the fly how to assemble a team.
Free eBook: “Multipliers: Leading Beyond Addition” by Todd Wilson
What it takes to lead your church to both grow and multiply.