When you are in a time of waiting on God – Do what you know to do today. Take initiative towards change you know you should or hope to make.
Want to Lead Well? Pray Well!
Those who lead well also pray well. I see this in my own life when it comes to my marriage, family, work or anything I’m in charge of, the more I consider these things in prayer and declare my dependence on God in prayer, the better leader I am for those things.
Answers to Prayers: 5 Reasons God May Not Be Answering You
Answers to Prayers: 5 Reasons God May Not Be Answering You Every Christian I know struggles with the reality of unanswered prayer. If you don’t, then either (1) you’ve been a Christian for about 10 minutes or (2) you’re lying. In general, unanswered prayer is a tension we need to accept, allowing it to move us to…
What Would Happen if You Sent Your Best?
According to their gospel purpose and commission, churches are designed to raise up and send.