However, I struggle with hyper religious people who tend to make others think that being a Christian will make a person weird.
Confessions of an Introvert
I’ve also noticed a troubling trend nowadays that never ends well. This is the point where I start my confessions of an introvert.
3 Types of Friends Every Planter Needs
Wise leaders reject the temptation to remove themselves from others. Here are three types of friends that every leader needs.
Peek-a-Boo Porn in a Pastor’s Life
I wonder if peek-a-boo porn might be just as damaging to a pastor’s thought life and ministry as that which most would agree meets the criteria of porn?
10 Reasons Why We Fail
Knowing why we fail and being honest about the reasons is the only way I know to grow and to keep moving forward when we do fall.
3 Dangers of Bivocational Ministry
Consider some common pitfalls that bi-vo pastors face and how to overcome them.