Exponential co-founders Todd Wilson and Dave Ferguson introduce and explore the Becoming Five framework in this free eBook.
Free Downloads
Free Resource: 16 Guest Follow-Up Templates
These follow-up templates can help make sure guests feel known, noticed, loved and invited back to your church with the six-week guest follow-up system that includes email, text message, handwritten note and phone script templates!
Free Ebook from PushPay: The 5 Key Elements of Church Tech
With great church tech, you’re better able to engage the people in your community and fulfill your mission more effectively.
From MinistryTech.com: HOW TO PICK THE RIGHT ChMS
If you are interested in a quick ChMS selection guide, MinistryTech.com has an easy-to-use tool.
Free eBook: “Ministry Resources for Women” by Laura Krokos
Download and share this free eBook with your church community, “Ministry Resources for Women” by Laura Krokos.
Free Resource: Follow-up Templates for Church Guests
Make sure guests feel known, noticed, loved, and invited back to your church with this 6-week guest follow up system that includes email, text message, handwritten note and phone script templates!