Looking for resources to help identify and prepare church planters? One great tool is that of a church based residency for aspiring church planters.
Choosing a Great Point Person – 4 Must-Have Traits
Whatever you call the point person that handles relationships with people beyond your church, that role is critical to your success.
How to Solve Your Church Planting Team Puzzle
Building your church planting team can be a puzzle. There are so many pieces, and they all have to fit together just right.
A Great Cloud of Witnesses Can Help Church Planters
Our church planting discernment process included connecting with the great cloud of witnesses mentioned in the scripture.
2020 Might Be The Year for Church Mergers
The Church is Messy, but . . .
The church is messy. We’re often unsafe for the hurting, unkind to those who don’t see the world the way we do, and unlike Jesus in how we relate to people.