And he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son,whom I love: with him I am well pleased.” ~ Matthew 3:16b, 17
READING: Matthew 3:13-17
They say a little affirmation goes a long way.This was a powerful affirmation for Jesus as He started His ministry. In that holy moment at the Jordan River, God the Spirit and God the Father chose to be visually and audibly present in a memorable confirmation for Jesus and His followers. With the three years of tiring, tempting and often discouraging ministry ahead, this affirmation was empowering and gave Jesus much needed encouragement for the days ahead.
What word of affirmation from the Lord do you most need today?
We also are engaged in ministry that is often tiring, tempting and discouraging. Fortunately, as Christians we also have been given affirmation from God’s word that is highly empowering. For example, from God the Father we receive affirmation of His love, adoption into His family and the provision of grace for every need at every level. From the Son we have confirmation of His continual intercession on our behalf, His promise to abide with us now and to prepare a heavenly home for us. From the Holy Spirit we have verification that He stands with us as our helper and advocate, that He provides all the gifts we need to fulfill our call, and that He will give us courage for any situation.
That is powerful affirmation for today!
Lord, Thank You for giving me such wonderful confirmation that I am Your child,the affirmation that You minister to and through me and inspiration to go boldly,courageously and confidently! With all I face today, I go in the strength of this powerful affirmation! Let me not forget it. Amen.
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