A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. ~ Matthew 12:20
READING: Isaiah 42:1-10
My childhood home life concealed ghastly dysfunction. It took years before I found the courage to challenge the #1 rule in my childhood home: “Thou shalt not tell the secret.” With my husband’s kind support and unfailing encouragement, I began a long healing journey.
Today I am a wounded healer, walking in peace and much mind renewal. God restored to me the years that the locusts had eaten by giving me opportunities to counsel and mentor precious souls as broken as I once was.
“A bruised reed He will not break.” I love the many names of God, but this description is one of my favorites. A reed is inherently fragile, and a bruised reed even more so. Our blessed Messiah balances the extremes of His character with perfect poise.
He is, on the one hand, our mighty Creator, Judge and Victor. Yet, He is also this incredibly gentle healer, tenderly caring for the most fragile casualties of our sinful world.
People who have been deeply wounded may take a long time to heal. We mentor these wounded ones with steady faithfulness, a listening ear and a safe place to heal. We give people time. The best mentors for bruised reeds or smoldering wicks are often “reeds” Jesus has already restored to wholeness, and “wicks” Jesus has babied and protected until their sputtering flame begins to burn bright and strong again.
Oh, may our churches be safe places for wounded people to recover, and may we be the gentle hands of Jesus to these fragile ones so loved by God.
Dear Father, Thank You for being so amazingly patient with me, and thank You for continuing to heal my heart by letting me be a channel of Your grace to others. Amen.
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