Paul left and took the followers with him to the lecture hall of Tyrannus. He spoke there every day for two years, until every Jew and Gentile in Asia had heard the Lord’s message. ~ Acts 19:9b-10 (CEV)
READING: Acts 19:1-10
Paul had faithfully obeyed the Holy Spirit’s call at Antioch, and at first he did this by becoming a church planter. But, by the time he reached Ephesus, he had expanded his focus to become a trainer of church planters. Every day for two years he taught leaders. As he equipped and sent out church planters, every “Jew and Gentile in Asia” heard the Gospel, multitudes were saved and many churches were established.
That should be our goal today! Like Paul, you and I cannot do it alone. What is the answer? The answer is to raise up and mentor others who will multiply ministry impact.
Paul never traveled alone on his short-term church planting missions trips. And when he stayed in Ephesus for two years, he trained and multiplied leaders.
Who are you mentoring into ministry? The small church I attended while I was growing up in Ohio was never very large at all. But the many “preacher boys” who came through that church are continuing to have amazing impact: pastors, college and seminary professors, missionaries. Several are authors.
That church experienced a devastating church split during my senior year in high school. The church was shattered, but their long-term ministry continues to thrive though those who were mentored there. You and I may breathe our last at any minute. Who will be our lasting ministry legacy? Who are you mentoring?
Lord, I want to raise up Timothys for ministry and become a trainer of church planters. Please multiply my impact for the kingdom through those I train and mentor. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more