The people were looking for [Jesus] and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” ~ Luke 4:42, 43
READING: Luke 4:31-44
If Jesus had been concerned about just that one group of people, he would have stayed in that one town. But he kept moving. He had a Kingdom mindset. That is why He felt compelled to preach the good news to other towns, too. That is why He was sent.
Jesus taught us to be committed to the Kingdom of God. He wants us to be concerned with more than the one church to which we belong. We must commit to spread the Kingdom of God throughout our world.
North America seems to have lost much of its Kingdom mindset, which may explain why it is not experiencing rapid growth. However, according to the Dawn Report, 49% of the people in the world live in nations that are experiencing the rapid growth of the Kingdom of God. Most of the Christian leaders in these nations have a pervasive Kingdom mindset. They want to see Jesus come here, there and everywhere.
We saw this at Amsterdam 2000 when many African leaders talked with us. They urged us to come to Africa to train their leaders, so that more churches would be planted and the Kingdom of God would be expanded. These leaders from developing nations had a Kingdom mindset.
Let me challenge you to do a personal study of the “Kingdom of God” in the Gospels. Your thinking will be transformed. You will see that there is so much more that Jesus wants for you . . . The Kingdom of God.
Dear Father, Give me a Kingdom mindset and change my priorities to love what You love. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more