There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot . . . ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2
READING: Esther 4
As church planters, now is the time to plant! The world cries out for the gospel and we have found that the most effective evangelistic tool for reaching the world is the planting of new churches. Here at DCPI, we know that “today is the day of salvation” and now is the time to plant.
On the local scene it behooves the planter to be sensitive to God’s timing.“In the fullness of time” it will come to pass. Just like Queen Esther, you have come to your location for a “time such as this.” Pray today for an extra measure of sensitivity to God’s Spirit as to the timing and pacing of events in your church plant. There is a sense of God’s timing that is ideal for every situation.
Jesus had an uncanny sense of timing in all that he did. He knew when to speak and when to be silent. And when he spoke, He knew what needed to be said, whether words of rebuke, exhortation, hope or comfort. There is a time for everything. Ask God for wisdom to know when to speak, what to speak and His timing for the next step as you lead your church plant.
Father, Today I ask for wisdom and sensitivity to your timing as I lead my flock.Teach me when to speak and when to be silent; when to sit still and when to step up. Please show me the next step in the church planting process. Thank you for hearing my prayers, in the name of the One who had perfect timing and perfect words in every situation. Amen.