However, I consider my life worth nothing tome, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given to me . . . ~ Acts 20:24a
READING: II Timothy 4:1-8
Betrayals, repeated failures in our strategies, unproductive core team, toxic colleagues, an uncooperative spouse, political opposition and financial deficiency are among the common challenges that can drain the determination of the church planter.
The rebelliousness of the people of Israel made Moses tired. The wickedness of Jezebel triggered Elijah to think about retirement. When God directed Jonah to a place contrary to his choice, it disturbed his vigor to serve. King Saul’s wickedness could not affect David’s determination for God’s program. Jesus was impeccably obedient to the Father in fulfilling His will in spite of various disappointments. The trials of Paul made him work tirelessly for God.
Are you fatigued and stranded somewhere in your church planting journey? If so I would remind you of Paul, a man who fought his good fight with an unceasing determination. What made him to be an untiring man of God’s Mission? Passion for people and energy from prayer are the two great power sources that continually recharged his energy. If you have real passion for your target community you won’t easily lose your grip. Passion for perishing people will make you a loyal, patriotic soldier in His Kingdom mission.
Sometimes, though we have a genuine passion, the density of trials may wear us down. I urge you to run to the power room as quickly as possible and stay there as long as possible. You are an ambassador for Christ, a good soldier under the Captain, a flawless athlete, a hard working farmer, a royal priest, a good shepherd and a co-worker of the Lord. Serve Him tirelessly – it is worth it.
Lord, Give me your energy so I may do your will at all times. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more