Each morning everyone gathered as much as he needed,and when the sun grew hot, it melted away. ~ Exodus 16:21
READING: Exodus16:19-30
There is no such thing as leftover manna. It’s really disconcerting! Manna is the simplest, most literal answer to prayer when we ask God to “give us this day our daily bread.”
It’s enough to make you chuckle to watch the Israelites in their bumpy adjustment to manna. Many of them gathered too much on weekdays only to find their hoard riddled with maggots the following morning. Then they felt skeptical when Moses instructed them to gather double on Sabbath Eve. But even Sabbath manna lasted only two days.
None of us gathers manna peaceably from the start. We all struggle to synchronize with God. Manna-gathering is a holy exercise that teaches us visceral, moment by moment dependence upon Him. We may assume we will grow in our knowledge of God mainly through the grand, public adventure of planting our new church. But, looking back, I see now that some of the deepest and most foundational lessons of faith are taught through the mysterious way God supplies in those hidden, tiny increments that give us bread and water and shelter, the humble necessities.
Peaceable manna-gathering exudes confidence that God will provide for today’s every need. Ask for today’s expense without borrowing worry for all the times in the future we’ll need the same thing or other things. Wait expectantly.Be wise in the meantime. Receive and be generous to share all your manna without fear.
And take courage. Don’t be afraid when you see that ungathered manna melt away in the noonday sun. Tomorrow morning He will once again send you all the manna you need.
Dear Father, Help me to synchronize my steps to Yours and to rest in the assurance ofevery day’s supply. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more