I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. ~ I Corinthians 3:6 (ESV)
READING: I Corinthians 3:1-9
Truly Jesus Christ is Lord of church planting.
One of the ways God taught me this truth was through my efforts at reaching new people with the gospel. In several of my church plants I spent many hours knocking on doors. I concentrated on homes where people had recently moved to the area, and I used a simple survey (that I created) to gain information and to find anyone who had an interest in our new church.
Using this survey, I compiled a list of people who had expressed openness to our new church plant. Then in the months that followed I would regularly visit these people who initially had seemed most interested. My aim was always to build a relationship with these people, to share Christ with them, and to involve them in a Bible study.
Sometimes God blessed these efforts. But sometimes He didn’t.
But here’s what I almost always noticed: if I was faithful to reach out to new people, to spend significant time praying for the lost and trying to build friendships, God would inevitably bring new people to our church and to Himself. But sometimes it seemed to have nothing to do with the efforts I was making! Sometimes people would just show up out of the blue.
God gets the glory! We are responsible to “plant and water,” but the gospel seed that grows does so because of God’s grace and power, not our efforts.
How grateful we are to Christ for leading, supplying and being our Lord in the church planting adventure!
Thank You, Lord, that “You give the growth.” Help me to faithfully plant and water,and then to trust You for the results. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more