If you follow these three simple guidelines, you’re guaranteed to see exponential growth in your church.
1. Call people.
You need some type of system that will tell you when a person who was with you isn’t there anymore. Believe me, you can’t trust your memory!
Establish a regular call time to touch base with those absent. Not a guilt trip, but a genuine desire for the welfare of those entrusted to your care. This is gonna take some honesty on your and your church’s part. You may hear some uncomfortable things, but be honest and humble enough to care about those people.
Sure, you don’t want to beg them to stay, but they may know or see something you don’t.
2. Care for people.
Write a note, make a call to someone hurting or at least private message them on Facebook! I’m not talking about a major issue that would require a personal visit, but just acknowledging their pain or disappointment.
It’s huge. We’ve lost that in our world today.
Make personal contact. You have to care about people.
3. Collaborate with people.
“What do you think” is a powerful question that helps create on-ramps for others to buy into the vision. When people have a say, you see new things and they have a part to play in the vision.
Ask and listen to the people around you and those in your church.