Give thanks in advance for the little things that will happen on this day. Begin each day with an attitude of gratitude. Write down:
-I am grateful for
-I am grateful for
-I am grateful for
…and so on.
Finally, you’re in prayer mode, and eliminate all distractions, including electronic distractions; gave thanks in advance for the little things that will happen on this day; it’s time to make a few slight necessary adjustments.
Slight Necessary Adjustments to Draw Closer to God
Try These Steps: (James 5:16)
Step 1: Change your perspective on your relationship with God. If we are willing to admit that we have grown distant from God, He is more than happy to help us feel close again!
Step 2: Start each day by reading the Bible for 10-15 minutes. It doesn’t matter where in the Bible or what part of life you read about; start with reading every morning!
Step 3: Spend time in prayer each day as well. Pray for others, pray for yourself, and thank Him (God) for all He has done.
If you are willing to commit to prayer, you will see an immediate difference in your relationship with God.
Here’s What You Can Do This Week
1. Find a time and place where you will not be disturbed and can focus.
2. Turn off any digital devices that might disturb or distract you from the prayer.
3. Get into what some refer to as “prayer mode.” This is your way of getting ready for prayer, with an attitude of reverential awe before God.
4. Address God as Heavenly Father in your own words and use the pronouns “Thou” and “Thee.”
5. Give thanks in advance for the little things that will happen on this day, but remind yourself that God knows what will happen tomorrow, too – so don’t be disappointed if you forget something today or if you don’t get to pray about everything that’s on your mind.
6. Pray sincerely from the heart. Give thanks, express gratitude, ask for blessings and make requests of God as you feel inspired by the Holy Spirit.
7. Express your feelings at any promptings from the Holy Ghost and take note of what thoughts or feelings you may have received, either from the Spirit or your thoughts.
8. Conclude your prayer with a statement of gratitude and love for God, such as, “I’m grateful for this opportunity to communicate with Thee O Heavenly Father” or “I love thee.” Then take time to sit quietly and contemplate on any feelings that came through in your prayer.
9. Some people like to finish with a closing prayer, but others prefer to sit silently until their thoughts turn back to the world and they’re ready to begin their day. It’s up to you and what works best for you personally!
10. Make sure that you have been reverent in your demeanor and sincerely give thanks in your prayer. If any distractions come up, such as your mind wandering to thoughts or concerns that aren’t related to what you’re praying for, gently return them to the things that you were brought before God to pray about – making sure not to get frustrated with; yourself! Turn again and start over.
Draw Closer to God – Conclusion
We all need to take some time to draw closer to God through prayer. Prayer is essential in our lives, and we must find a way to include it in our day-to-day lives. The best time to pray is at night when you sleep, but other times during the day work well.
There’s no right or wrong time of day—do what works best for your schedule! To start getting into prayer mode more often, try setting aside 10 minutes every morning before school starts or before work begins where you can spend that time praying with God about anything on your heart, from family issues, worries about finances in general (including how they may affect current debt), problems at work anything that is a burden on your heart should be shared with God.
Christians are to pray at all times, not just when they feel like it or for some specific reason. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 in context, “Pray without ceasing.” It doesn’t mean we can’t sleep or do anything besides pray. This is my testimony of how I was able to get closer to God. I hope it will help you, as well.
This article about how to draw closer to God through prayer originally appeared here, and is used by permission.