Why would we trade the everlasting for a handful of vapor? Why would we drink an imitation when the true fountain flows nearby? Yet we do. Subtly, unaware, we seek happiness—even though joy is within reach, every day. This is why we (especially church planters) need to know the difference between joy and happiness.
The Difference Between Joy and Happiness
God save me from the pursuit of happiness and deliver me into the place of joy. Joy is one third of God’s kingdom (Romans 14:17). Joy is number two on the hit parade of Spirit-fruit (Galatians 5: 22-23) – there’s never a law against joy. Joy can make you sell everything you have in order to gain everlasting treasure (Matthew 13:44). And even though some translations blunder into using the word happiness, joy is the Master’s reward (Matthew 25:21).
It’s a sucker’s bargain: we’re offered happiness cheap, but joy awaits, an everlasting gift unavailable at any price. Happiness is “As Seen on TV”; joy is finding an actual pub where everyone does, indeed, know your name. Happiness is the echo of laughter; joy is the source of all merriment. Happiness is now and me, me, me; joy is forever, and for all of us.