Use this free book to to gain practical insights and tips into leading in the context of mission and ministry. 29 Practical Leadership Tips for Mission & Ministry.
3 Little-Known Secrets to Effective Evangelism
"Effective evangelism must be seen as a part of our continual discipleship rather than a one-time event that precedes discipleship."
Paul Tripp: How Your Brokenness Actually HELPS Your Mission
"You can’t be so focused on mission that you forget your own desperate need for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Jeff Vanderstelt: You Can Preach With Power
"Ever wonder how Jesus spoke with such power and authority?"
Alan Hirsch: Why Evangelism Cannot Be Our Focus
In this video, Alan Hirsch discusses why discipleship may be more important than evangelism.
Caesar Kalinowski: 6 Simple Ways to Make Disciples
In this video, Caesar Kalinowski shares six simple ways to make disciples without adding anything to your schedule.