Early in his life, Billy Graham wrestled with whether he was going to embrace the Bible as the inspired, revealed Word of God.
The Word of God – Start Here
The Christian believes the Bible is the written word of God. There are many who question the authority of the Bible and whether it is truly the word of God.
Why You Shouldn’t Plan Your Church’s Devotionals
It’s tempting when a believer comes to you, saying, “Pastor, I have a hard time reading the Bible regularly. Can you give me a devotional plan?” Resist this temptation! There is a better way.
Jesus as Church Planter: 7 Things He Would Do If He Planted a Church Today
While He didn’t plant a “church” per say, He did plant THE church by planting the Kingdom into the hearts and lives of people.
Can We Still Call It “Church Planting”?
The further we move away from biblical models to guide our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes.
How to Read the Bible With People Who Don’t Believe It
Most people have a view of God that is based on poor religious experiences.