Recently I saw this post on a blog: “The Apostle Paul was never a member of one church and one church only.” The counterpoint to this issue is that, based on Paul’s example, church planting requires a home church.
called to church plant
Acts — Your Guide to Church Planting History
Some regard Acts as a book of church planting history, while others consider it a description of the possibilities of church life. I started in the first camp and eventually arrived at the second.
Take Up Your Cross—A Part of Church Planting?
It is impossible to take the cross out of Christianity and still retain true Christianity, so we cannot take the cross out of our Christian lives and live as genuine Christians. Take up your cross.
Church Planting: The Family Business
He entrusts us with the task of announcing his kingdom, and making disciples fit for the king. He does not entrust this task to servants: He gives it to brothers. In a way, that means church planting is the family business.
The Plow, the Cross & Bi-Vocational Church Planting
Jesus, along with all His “significant, spiritual” work, did “dull, average” work.
BEFORE You Plant a Church: 3 Necessary Keys
Before you plant a church, you will definitely need these three things.