This article developed after talking with a young pastor about insecurity in leadership. He was overwhelmed with the responsibility he’d been given. It was his first church out of seminary. His church expects a lot from him – leading the church, preaching great messages, visiting the sick (and the well), managing a budget, and seeing…
leadership development
10 Bible Verses for Struggling Leaders
Friends, let me tell you: the struggle is real. We all go through challenges. Because you’ve chosen to step in, or move into, the position of a leader, you’re experiencing more struggle than the average person. Not only do you have the weight of your personal life on your shoulders, but you also have the…
Good Leaders: Don’t Forget the #2 Person!
Most organizations have a go-to face for the brand. It’s usually its pastor, founder, or CEO. They are usually the ones speaking, taking interviews, and providing vision for the organization. They are good leaders. They usually have the “goods” for inspiring others and making core decisions that impact the future of their respective brands. They…
Are You a Virtuous Leader?
Are you a virtuous leader? Great leaders conceal nothing and are readily willing to share their motives so that others can know the deepest level of their integrity.
Why Biblical Leadership Is Usually Unglamorous
Our flesh whines against serving others, but it screams against hidden service. We crave credit, recognition and fame. But biblical leadership isn’t usually glamorous.
Where Can We Find New Church Planters? 3 Places to Look
Where can we find new church planters? Three places to look to find new leaders, empower them with authority, and spread the load of responsibility.