I’ve learned that if I prioritize a few key choices, my life and leadership dramatically improve and my ministry becomes more effective. Here are three key choices I encourage as pastoral priorities.
pastoral leadership
Pastoral Identity Crisis: Have You Built a Moat Around Yourself?
4 Leadership Qualities Every Ministry Leader Should Possess
Church planters need to build a team, and in addition to leadership skills, we should look for leadership qualities in our people.
Effective Congregational Care: Help Your Church Thrive
I’d been a pastor for several years before I received the revelation of effective congregational care. It hit me like a ton of bricks and soon became a revolution that changed my life and ministry forever.
Are You Forgetting the People You Have in Order to Grow Your Church?
If we desire to build healthy churches, we should know that the love of God has to flow down the aisles of our churches before it will flow down the streets of our cities.