Our Methodist brothers and sisters know a thing or two about planting churches: They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years! Here is a lightning-quick introduction to a dozen church planting models.
Tim Keller on What He Needed When He Planted
Tim Keller’s advice to church planters: This is the one thing you’ve got to have.
This Kid Is Stockpiling Thousands of Shoes in His Garage. When I Found Out Why It Gave Me a Huge Smile.
How can your church encourage radical giving this Christmas season?
Feeding the Homeless Is Great. Doing It With Your Allowance When You’re 12 Is Insanely Awesome.
Robby Eimers is only 12, but that’s plenty old enough to help the Hungry of Detroit. “I do it because these people need help, and they’re my friends.”
Jeff Vanderstelt: "We Want to See Jesus Glorified"
Jeff Vanderstelt shares his heart for his missional community and their outreach efforts in Tacoma, Wash.
Pete Wilson: The Surprising Way God Answered My Desperate Cry
Pastor Pete Wilson shares this deeply personal story of burning out in ministry.