4 ways you can bring more of those newcomers back after Christmas.
3 Vital Steps to See Return Guests
Seeing guests return needs to be a high priority for church leadership teams. Here are three steps EVERY church should take.
7 Lessons We Learned as Church Shoppers
Opening disclosure. This post is going to seem negative, and I am far from a negative person. The glass is always over half full for me. I actually intend it to be positive if it encourages churches. Our transition 18 months ago to the Dallas area was difficult when it came to finding a church to…
21 Easy Ways for Your Church to Be More First-Time Guest Friendly
First-time guest friendly ideas. Church leaders who want to make a difference always look at how to make their church’s experience more compelling and engaging for new guests.
7 Ways to Welcome Visitors to Church So They Return
A recent experience taught me a lot about what is needed to get people to come back.
How to Get Visitors to Return
The inside scoop from one church that averages 500 percent more second-time guests than average.