The nation of Israel awaited the coming of a Savior and Redeemer who would finally fix all the messes we’ve made. Advent waiting.
Three Ways to Wait
Most of us hate the word wait. It’s a four-letter word that stirs up all sorts of negative emotions. Waiting ranks right up there with a root canal. Necessary, perhaps, but not at all fun. And waiting is often a hope-killer.
As You’re Waiting, God Is Working
When you read from the Prophets and Psalms, you may be struck with how much of them come from a posture of waiting.
Every Leader’s Deepest Need: Waiting For God
We all know great churches simply don’t exist without a price, nor without waiting for God. My whole life I’ve been impatient. I have often looked for ways in the past to find that golden shortcut to provide the perfect product but just not at such high a price.
Waiting On God Doesn’t Mean You Do Nothing
When you are in a time of waiting on God – Do what you know to do today. Take initiative towards change you know you should or hope to make.
The Coming Advent Season Is About Waiting—Church Planters Know All About It!
In the Advent season we learn about waiting. Waiting is painful; it brings anxiety.