Some things hide in plain sight. Others hide behind fancy names. And still others hide among the over-decorated trappings of tradition dressed up as garish holiday cheer. Sometimes it’s all three. These are the lessons of Christmas.
Build a Worship Ministry From Scratch
Quiet Worship? Never! (Well, Maybe)
Deep in the recesses of my iPhone, where no one can see my music collection, I have a playlist of quiet worship.
Worshiptainment – Heretical Methods Are as Bad as Heretical Messages
Is it so wrong for churchgoers to want to be entertained while they are edified?
Smile: You are Delightful to God!
You are delightful to God! When you woke up this morning, what was the first thought about yourself that you had? First thoughts to come to us when we wake are usually some evaluation of how we feel, or something we need to do. “I feel tired; I shouldn’t have stayed up so late,” “I…
Discover the Secrets That Can Make Announcements Interesting
It’s true: There are ways to make announcements interesting. Learn the secrets to make them a powerful part of your worship service.