I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. ~ I Corinthians 3:6
READING: Mark 4:26-29
Biotic potential is the inherent capacity of an organism or species to reproduce and survive. Since God is the Lord of our vision for new church plants, our churches must bear results, grow, reproduce and survive. However, challenges and obstacles, as well as some of our practices, may tend to blind church planters from seeing this inherent potential for growth and reproduction.
The church plant is constituted by God’s people coming together for God’s purpose. God has vested spiritual gifts and authority on every believer for the purpose of fulfilling His mission. His Word has life, His gifts are given for the common good, His people are commissioned, His presence is guaranteed, His Spirit is convicting the world, and His coming for the finality of His Church is irrevocable. Biotic potential must make every church plant grow.
Then what is our role in this endeavor? Our role is not to be the seed of our plants; but rather to release the God-given biotic potential within the church plant. Paul, who had this insight, said “God makes it to grow.”
Do we desire to build a community of God in our church plants? How much pre-eminence do we give to God’s Word as we disciple clueless people into Christ-like disciples? Are we contented to attract crowds or do we fashion disciples of the Lord Jesus? Are we utilizing the God-vested spiritual gifts within His people to grow His Church or do we permit Christians to remain merely spectators of attractive church-gymnastics? Do we merely preach on the Great Commission or do we execute it by reaping a harvest of reproducing disciples?
Lord, Help me to see Your inbuilt growth potential in all my church plants and to do nothing detrimental as I plant this church. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more