Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved. ~ Acts 2:47 (NASB)
READING: Isaiah 49
One drop of blood under a microscope reveals details of hundreds of blood cells. Our body is composed of trillions of microscopic cells, living organisms with complex components. Each cell does its part to keep our body functioning properly as a whole. Our body is organic. So is the body of Christ.
There is a divine side to the expansion of the church that keeps it functioning properly as a whole. God works through human hearts and hands. We must ask what human factors contribute to the spread of the gospel and the growth of the church.
Spiritual life is possible because God invaded time and space to redeem humanity. The good news of salvation is too wonderful to keep private. It compels us to share the gospel.
Second, the gospel satisfies a universal need in the hearts of people. The Christian movement proves that the active love of God makes the Christian life possible and gives Christians newfound consideration for the needs of others.
Third, the practical expression of Christian love is among the most powerful causes of Christian success. Tertullian reports pagans saying, “See how these Christians love one another!” They witnessed Christian love finding expression in the care of the poor, of widows, orphans, those in prison and those who need compassion.
Finally, persecution helps to publicize the Christian faith. The body of Christ grows exponentially when Christians display courage in the face of torment, courtesy toward enemies and a joyful acceptance of suffering.
God, the giver of life, is active in the deeds of his children and in those to whom his children witness. Organic growth is divine!
Father, Make me mindful of the intricate involvement you have in the expansion ofyour church. Amen.
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