Our church planters often ask me, “What’s the one secret to building a great church?” They look at me eagerly, notebooks in hand, ready for my answer. I know they want a technique, a plan, or a guarantee.
How to Grow a Small Church
3 Lies That Lead to Leadership Shipwreck
11 Things to Learn from Early Moravians of Herrnhut
The Moravians were launched a global movement that would not only transform their Herrnhut community, but the entire world.
Jesus Loves the Unlovely – Shouldn’t We?
Part of his true beauty is that Jesus loves the unlovely. I’m drawn to him because he not only cleansed the lepers: he reached out his hand touched them even when everyone else demanded that they shout “Unclean!” He not only healed their skin, he received them kindly. I want that kind of heart.When the…